
AlternateCalendariconintheVersion5Solidstyle.Makeaboldstatementinsmallsizes..AvailablenowinFontAwesomePro.,Calendarfontawesomeiconcssclassnameisfa-calendarandCSSContentCodeis-f133.Calendarfontawesomeiconhas2styletypesi.e.,regular(far), ...,CustomiseanddownloadcalendariconfromFontAwesome4iconset.,Calendar-Plusfontawesomeiconhas2iconstyles.ToDisplayregulariconusefarclass.ToDisplaysolidiconusefas...

Alternate Calendar Icon

Alternate Calendar icon in the Version 5 Solid style. Make a bold statement in small sizes.. Available now in Font Awesome Pro.

Calendar font awesome icon Usage,CSS Class Name,SVG ...

Calendar font awesome icon css class name is fa-calendar and CSS Content Code is -f133 . Calendar font awesome icon has 2 style types i.e., regular(far), ...

calendar icon from Font Awesome 4

Customise and download calendar icon from Font Awesome 4 icon set.


Calendar-Plus font awesome icon has 2 icon styles. To Display regular icon use far class. To Display solid icon use fas class. <i ...

Date & Time Icons

Zoomable Icons, Regular, Class Name, Hex. fas fa-bell, . far fa-bell, . fas fa-bell-slash, . far fa-bell-slash, .


Get 1535 icons right now with FA Free, plus another 7020 icons with Pro, which also gets you another 53 icon category packs as we finish them! All-New SVG. Our ...

far fa-calendar

html · head · title>Font Awesome 5 Icons</title> · meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' · script src='https://kit.fontawesome.com/ ...

Font Awesome 5 Date & Time Icons

far fa-bell-slash, , Try it. fas fa-calendar, , Try it. far fa-calendar, , Try it. fas fa-calendar-alt, , Try it. far fa- ...


far fa-calendar-alt. far fa-calendar-check. far fa-calendar-minus. far fa-calendar-plus. far fa-calendar-times. far fa-caret-square-down. far fa-caret-square- ...